
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Whose Eyes Do You See Through?

I barely have any time to write my own post, but I just discovered this blog site through Google+, and I thought it was nice to share one of their posts. Recently, because of wrong talks, there was that short period of time I was cynical towards the people surrounding me. I heard rumors, and with my good intentions, it, in turn, clouded my eyes without me realizing it. The Lord, is quick to act, though, and He had granted me discernment and opened my eyes.

So, let's get to their blog post. Click here to check out their site.

There is an old phrase that says, "Perception is reality." What that means is that for many people what they see, or how they perceive things, is truth to them. The problem is that those people cannot accept truth beyond what they see, or think they see. For this person, their reality is based upon their point of view, or perspective of events.

Too many times in our lives we all fall into this category. We see a person or situation and quickly pass judgment without understanding that individual or the full story behind the situation. We make rash decisions, based on ignorance and assumption. When this happens, we find ourselves so far from the truth that we have a hard time finding our way back. 

So, to counter perceptions becoming reality, I ask you a question. Whose eyes do you see through? I am not talking about your physical eyes, because the answer is obvious. What I am asking is what filter do you use to process what you see with your eyes? Do you see events and make decisions based on your limited knowledge and understanding or do you stop and allow God to have input on the situation? 

One of my favorite Bible stories of all time is in 2 Kings 6. Elisha and his servant awake to find an enemy army surrounding the town and looking for them. In an incredibly natural response, the servant immediately allowed fear to take over. In his perspective, he was looking into the eyes of death.

Elisha responds the servant in verse 17 and says, "Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha."

Now, the chariots were there the entire time, the servant just could not see them with his natural eyes. He was not looking through the eyes of faith. His perspective was based on incomplete information because it did not factor in God.

I know 99.9% of us will never face the threat of an angry army, but that does not make our issues any less real. We faces financial issues, marital issues, family issues, work related issues, health issues, and many, many more that we have to deal with on an every day basis.

Our issues are very real, but we must not let that be our only perspective. We have to make the decision to look at our world through the eyes of faith. When we face an obstacle, our response should be the same as Elisha's and see it through the eyes of faith.

I encourage and challenge you to start to see your world and life differently. Ask God to let you see people the way He sees them. Let your faith in Him be the filter that you your world through.

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