
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

For a Stronger Body

Dear Ptr. Moe,

I cannot completely comprehend what exactly you’re carrying, and how painful it is right now. I know it’s hard, even without slipping myself into your shoes (which probably is a lot bigger anyway, LOL, ga-joke koooo).

Being ROLF’s youth pastor never will be a light responsibility, yes, but I know that even before you had decided to answer the Lord’s calling, He already had planned to place you in YA…for a huge reason. I had sensed something different inside of you, the first time you were publicly introduced to the congregation as an intern pastor. I remember the first day we met and I shook your hand. There was something different radiating in you I just knew was from the Lord. Now you’re here, with us, in a completely different position. His ways truly are unpredictable and mysterious. And although you always find yourself in pain, you’d know He’s just stripping you from the things He doesn’t want to remain in you. He’s pounding you. He’s scraping the soot from you. But He’s recreating a better you – one He had always wanted you to be: a man after His own heart.

I am sorry I really had not been sensitive with you for the past year, Pas. I had always looked at you as a strong man, with nothing to fear or be pained about. What I haven’t realized until recently was the fact that you’re just as fragile as we are. And here we are, probably increasing the burden you bear.

I’m sorry, Pas. I truly am. And although I seem like I do not care, I do. I do. Especially because the Lord wants me to, you will always be in my prayers. You will always be in our prayers. Remember that you are our pastor not because of worldly or supernatural chances, but because you are meant to be here. Things are going to be so much better and lighter in His time, Pas. (I know you already know that, but I’d just like to say it anyway to keep you comforted)

“Weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5b

I am only a text, call, PM, or 500 meters away, Pas. Do not forget that! I am a friend and a sister; my ears are more than available for special times and talks. I may be a lot younger in years, but I still have been granted listening skills and a heart by the Lord. :3

"But God is the God of the waves and the billows, and they are still His when they come over us; and again and again we have been proved that the overwhelming thing does not overwhelm. Once more by His interposition deliverance came. We are cast down, but not destroyed." - Amy Carmichael

Stand firm, soldier.

Your gwapa na sister in Christ,

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