
Friday, December 13, 2013


I'm terribly sorry for not being able to post my supposed posts the past week. Not having an internet connection even for a while sure has its disadvantages, but as much as it has its downs, life seems pretty much more peaceful without it. But I do promise to make it up. I believe I owe this blog a few posts.

As you can see, I changed my banner again! And you had probably also noticed one more change at the sidebar. Being pretty much an OC on visuals here, I resorted to drawing my own. (Nothing downloadable ever seems to match me.) Of course my dad helped me on the final tweaks like adding color to my letters. He says it's too dull. 

These are the original pictures I had drawn over our British Literature class earlier this morning. I was hoping to use the originals but my dad says I made a lot of line "gaps" on my drawings so keeping it as it is would be a very tedious task. I can't even explain it technically, but I know you get it. It's fine, though. I actually still liked how the changes turned out. It helps to have a dad do the hard stuff for you. :)

I'm extremely looking forward to this Sunday's Thanksgiving celebration. Despite clouded perceptions until today, I am still claiming the Lord's work over His church. For He Who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. If this isn't enough assurance that will keep a thankful heart in us, I'm not sure what else is.

I'd be posting more soon, so I hope you wouldn't get tired of me. Thank you!

I love you with the love of the Lord!


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